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OK, you’re over 60 – what do you know now that you’d like to tell your 40-year-old self?
Recently, a questioner on asked me to answer this question: “For people 55 and older, what would you tell your 40-year-old self? What do you wish you knew then that you know now.” I’m deep into the demographic so I took a shot at it. I found it hard to keep it short. So, […]
COVID Message: “No More Parking Lots!”
Image by xaviandrew from Pixabay “We have bigger houses but smaller families; more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense; more knowledge but less judgment; more experts, but more problems; more medicines but less healthiness. We’ve been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble in crossing the street to meet […]
Change Your Four-letter-word Selection to Get Through This Mess
I’m watching more movies these days than ever. I suspect you are too. We’ve never been movie-goers/watchers. Watching a half-dozen movies a year is a busy year for us. I’ve watched more than that just this month. End-of-day, late-night surfing the wasteland of HBO/Showtime/Epix, etc. and settling on one from the endless selection of mind-numbers. […]
The Only Sensible COVID-19 Solution – We Gotta Get Sick!!
Aren’t we all wishing for a clear, sane voice in this COVID-19 wilderness? I hope you’ve given up on trying to find it on either Fox News or MSNBC or CNN (or the Comedy Channel which I consider an upgrade from the aforementioned). I’m thinking answers are somewhere other than Trump news conferences and the […]
So, You’re Over 60 and COVID Sucker-punched. Now What?
We’re alike right now, I’m guessing. Lots of time to think. Thinking like we’ve never had to think before. Maybe even thinking about our thinking. What now? What if? What’s next? Can things possibly ever be the same again? (Can we say a collective “no” on that?) There are some who say that this is […]
Wait! Don’t Open That Restaurant! We’re Getting Healthier. Well, maybe.
“The mythology of nutrition is immense and confounded by culturally acquired eating habits and prejudices. For our hunter-gatherer ancestors, nutritional supply and mobility were tightly linked. Today we have uncoupled this relationship.” That’s a quote from one of my favorite virtual health and wellness mentors, Dr. Walter Bortz, retired Stanford geriatric physician. At 89, he […]