Please Fall In Love with Dr. Michael Greger


OK, I’m going to wander into new territory with this blog and try to shake some trees.

You’re doctor may be killing you early!

There I said it.  That’s new territory – and pretty radical new territory, agreed?  I don’t hang with any doctors so I’m not concerned about killing any relationships here.

I just feel – based on my research and my own personal health experience – that something has to be said even though most people aren’t going to listen or –unfortunately – care. But that doesn’t include you, right?  You are a “self-efficacy” advocate, right?  You are taking control of your own health, right?

Here’s what I now believe and what we need to know:  our medical system is not designed to optimize your health or extend your lifespan. You already know it’s designed to react and “fix it” (no problem – I’ve got a drug or a robotic scalpel for that!) rather than to be pro-active and “prevent it” (let’s have a conversation about your lifestyle.)

I’m going to take a HWAG (hairy wild-assed guess) that your personal health care plan may be, like most, a $35 co-pay experience that takes you to the doctor’s office only when the physiology has skidded off the rails.  You are likely to be safely ensconced in the non-self efficacy box. You are in step with the reactive nature of our disease-management system that we incorrectly call a healthcare system.

Here’s a suggestion that has the potential to significantly impact your health, your life and help you climb out of your box and live longer.  Get to know this guy – Dr. Michael Greger.  He’s easy to get to know – although a little hard to get used to with his often-weird message delivery style.  All you have to do is subscribe to his amazing website

Full disclosure

I stand to gain nothing by recommending that you follow Dr. Greger, except the possibility of helping a reader chart a healthier path to a greater longevity.

All of his prolific content is absolutely free.

There are two reasons that I am a serious devotee of Dr. Greger: (1) his research-based content is second to none and (2) he refuses to take money for his content.  He has a book, “How Not to Die”, that he hardly markets and is very understated in suggesting that contributions are welcome to help him defray the expense of the incredible amount of research he does.

His near-daily blogs or videos are short, extraordinarily content-rich and backed by research.  He is particularly effective in picking apart the misinformation and corruptive practices that pervade our healthcare system.   Even as an MD and a practicing clinician, he is very critical of his chosen profession and brings credibility devoid of financial motivation.

Need motivation?

I’m going to guess that, as a Boomer or pre-boomer, you may not be into blogs and vlogs (video blogs).  That’s unfortunate, but that’s a topic for another article.

Let me try to kick-start this attempt to convince you to tune into Dr. Greger.  I’ve randomly picked four of his videos to give you a taste of his content and delivery.  I think you will be convinced to follow him. You can subscribe at any of the videos.

Physicians May Be Missing their Most Important Tool 

The Actual Benefit of Diet vs. Drugs  

Turning the Clock Back 14 Years  

Calculate Your Healthy Eating Score  

So why am I such a fan?

Well, if you’ve followed my story, you know I have a dog in this fight.  Two years ago, a routine test revealed I have significant coronary artery calcification (atherosclerosis I believe they call it) at a level that, based on pure numbers, put me in the high-risk heart disease category.  Subsequent echo-stress and nuclear-stress tests, fortunately, revealed that I have no arterial blood flow problem,  so it’s full steam ahead, life as usual.

The high number put enough scare into me, however, to convince me to deepen my research on the how, why and when of it all and to determine if there is a chance that the condition could be reversed.  Like most of us beyond 60 (for the record, I am 76 at this writing), much of the calcification just comes with having spent considerable time on the planet.  But, it also happened as a result of what has been in the blood that flowed through those arteries.  So, in my case, I attribute my high score to a combination of some genetics and time (minor) and 50+ years of bad eating (major).

I simply wanted to know if it could be reversed.  Asking that question unveiled a dichotomy of opinions.  Both my PCP and the cardiac specialist I was referred to said “no” – the best you can do is stop it, more likely just slow it. Neither offered an ounce of input regarding the role of diet and nutrition in treating my condition.

Drug it or cut it. Yada, yada, yada!

It was more of the same – drugs (statin and baby aspirin) and keep an eye on it (PCP).  The cardiologist, who ironically practices within in one of Dr. Dean Ornish’s Certified Heart Disease Reversal facilities, poo-pooed the effect of food on reversing atherosclerosis.  I was stunned – for about five seconds until I recalled that physicians don’t know, understand or care much about nutrition.

P.S.  There is no money in nutrition – just sayin!

In the face of proof of heart disease reversal coming from programs under the guidance of renowned physicians such Dr. Dean Ornish and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyne and others, the majority of the physician community still puts little credence on the impact that nutrition has on our health.

If you watch the first video above, you understand why.  They have little to no nutrition education and are indoctrinated in the “drug or cut” culture that still pervades our health care system.

As for me, I’m going with self-efficacy

The evidence in favor of a whole-food, plant-based diet and against our western-style diet is too deep and clear for me not to make the shift.  I have been able to, with surprising ease.  Meat eliminated, very little chicken, no eggs, dairy eliminated (almond milk is great). I’m now on a diet almost entirely of plants, whole grains, and fruits.  Combined with 6-day-a-week exercise, I feel I’m doing what I can to feel better and live longer.  A twelve-pound weight loss over a three-month period came easy and feet and knees seem to be very thankful.

Knowledge is power – but only if applied.  I truly feel Dr. Greger’s content and delivery system is a valid shortcut to the type of information that we aren’t going to get from an entrenched and corrupt healthcare system.  I hope you’ll subscribe and provide me feedback on the impact his information has in your life.  Scroll down and leave a comment below.  Oh, and share this with any friends or family that will benefit from Dr. Greger’s mission.


Good news!  Millennials Can’t Retire!!



Looks like the media and the financial planning industry is getting their knickers into knots about the prospect of millennials being unable to retire.  The headline for this article from Next Avenue  is certainly an attention getter: “The Bleak Retirement Outlook for Boomer’s Kids.”

If you are one who still clings to the time-worn tradition of checking out in the final third of life (aka retirement), the article will tug at you.  How could one not feel sad that this vilified generation may not be able to wilt away into silent oblivion and/or an elder warehouse and instead have to find a way to keep creating and be productive.

HORRORS!  What is a financial services executive or government entitlement bureaucrat to do????

Maybe these spoiled, self-centered, unloyal, independent, digital-soaked, experience-oriented brats are about to teach us something – again.

Maybe, just maybe, they aren’t gnashing their teeth and ripping their Lululemons over this because they don’t buy into the concept.  Maybe they are picking up on the hysteria that surrounds this “statutory senility” or “ultimate casualty” we call traditional retirement.

Maybe, just maybe, they’ve cast off this traditional 20-40-20 Linear Life Plan – – –



– in favor of this more sensible 21st Century Cyclic Lifestyle Plan

Source: Ken Dychtwald,

In last week’s blog, I wrote:   “When dying people in a hospice are asked about any regrets they had about their lives, by far the most common regret is “I wish I had pursued my dreams and aspirations, and not the life others expected of me.”

I was expected to follow the 20-40-20 plan, pounded into me by parents, peers, professors, and pundits. How about you?

Maybe, just maybe, these youngers know they are facing a 75% or better chance of living to 100 or beyond and are moving forward with a more salient perspective given the prospect of a longer lifespan – one that intersperses education, work/family, and leisure across the lifespan in a more meaningful, fulfilling “experiential” way.

Maybe, just maybe, a millennial will forego saving for years to go to Machu Pichu to claim the completion of a tiring walk with achy knees and 1,000 boring pictures in favor of moving to Peru, living amongst the Peruvians for two years, learning the language and culture and bringing it home to start a restaurant featuring Peruvian cuisine.  Sounds nutty to someone who drank the 20-40-20 kool-aid, I suspect.  But it’s happening.

I’ll refer you to a fantastic book that deals with this very issue:  “The 100-Year Life. Living and Working in an Age of Longevity.”  Written by Lynda Gratton and Andrew Scott, both professors at London Business School, it was rated the Business Book of the Year in 2016 by McKinsey Corporation.  Gratton and Scott combine their psychology and economics background to bring a very profound perspective to the changes that increased longevity are going to have on our society.  Not the least of these changes is going to be changing attitudes toward retirement.

And none too soon, I say.

I may be completely off base

– but I don’t think so.  I don’t hang with a lot of millennials so I can’t speak for them.  But, as a recruiter for 18 years, I’ve experienced and heard and read a lot about how this generation’s attitudes have disrupted hiring and employee retention and development.

It seems that they want what they do to count, to have an impact, to leave a footprint for humanity.  Wealth and creature comforts for many are in the back seat – at least for a while as they explore, develop and mine their self-knowledge and search for their core, driving values.  If a company doesn’t line up with that evolving value system it’s bye, bye! They’re out of there – until they either find one in line with their value system or go create one themselves.

Unencumbered by a three-stage mindset, they are accepting their life as one with a longer span and multiple stages with the stages being a trail of exploration, development, and adventure with much less of the definition and predictability than we, their predecessors, find in the outdated three-stage model.

But why wouldn’t they?  They saw their progenitors sell out and then be kicked in the teeth by companies; they’ve watched us push our health to the margins in favor of accumulation and image maintenance; they have low tolerance for the planet destruction associated with this image-supporting accumulation; they realize that the least safe place today to build a professional life is with a large company “working for the man” and “building somebody else’s dream.”

Maybe, just maybe they just flat don’t want to be like us.

I recently read an online post by a millennial contributor in named Nicolas Cole and found this comment that sums it up pretty well from the millennial’s perspective:

“This is the great debate, and the issues, to be frank, go much deeper than just workplace satisfaction.”Making an impact” doesn’t mean we need to be solving world hunger on a daily basis. But I know a whole lot of Millennials that would feel a hundred times more understood if their daily tasks were acknowledged and explained as part of a bigger vision. Millennials are doers. We want to do things. And if that daily habit of doing and being involved isn’t there, then we’re going to go find somewhere else to spend our time. Because we watched our parents plug and chug their way through life, only to get to the end and say, “Don’t forget to enjoy the journey. We didn’t do that very well.” 

That last sentence ought to make any financial planner sit up and take notice.  I’m optimistic that today’s millennials will do just fine financially.  It’s just going to be different and the money may follow a different route.

As Gratton and Scott point out, “this group is already responding to the prospect of a longer life and are keeping their options open and exploring new alternatives.”  Maybe, just maybe, one of those alternatives will be to skip retirement.   Maybe, just maybe, one of those choices will be to “die broke” having poured all their energy and money back into improving the human condition.

Refreshing thought – unless you are a financial planner stuck in the 20th-century mindset.

The Dirty Dozen of Accelerated Aging


News alert!!

You’re going to die.  Get used to it!

But don’t get so used to it that you make it happen faster than it needs to.

One hundred years ago, we accepted our short life-spans as fate, God’s will.  Until the last half-century or so, death was largely random and immutable.  It was not that long ago that practitioners conceded conditions such as tuberculosis, hardening of the arteries, Alzheimer’s to be totally due to aging.  Thus, fate ruled and what happened wasn’t challenged.  Thankfully, we now know that fatalism is wrong.

Dr. Walter Bortz in his book “Dare To Be 100” says “Sure, aging and the passage of time play a role, but not nearly to the extent that has been presumed until now.  This is great news.  For conditions of old people not to be due to the passage of time gives hope that counterstrategies can be derived to prevent or reverse at least a major part of them.”

Given that we have a longevity benchmark set for us by Madame Jeanne Louise Calment of Paris, France, who lived to 122 years and 164 days, we can then ask why do we, especially as Americans with our average 80-year lifespan, fall so woefully short of that benchmark.

Now that we know that genetics play a minor role (perhaps 20-30%) in our longevity, and virtually none after age 65, we can then zero in on what do we do, or don’t do, that may be determining our longevity or lack thereof.

Here’s my selection for a “dirty dozen” life shorteners.

  1. No exercise. I know, you’re tired of hearing it.  And I know it’s likely you will buck it up at some point and renew that gym membership and just as likely you will fall off again six weeks later.  It’s just not built into your lifestyle and it won’t sustain until you do.  Think of it this way.  Can you find 2.6% of your week that is going to unhealthy activities (TV, barstools, Facebook, and convert that to 45 minutes of combined aerobic and strength training six days of the week?  That’s only 10% of the time the average American male spends each week watching TV (49 hours). The potential ROI:  living longer, dying shorter; more vitality longer; look better, feel better; amaze your overweight, sedentary, deteriorating friends; lower healthcare costs.  Perhaps this admonition from Dr. Henry Lodge in the book “Younger Next Year” will help:  “Aerobic exercise will give you life; strength-training will make it worth living.”
  2. Diet heavy in animal products. Heart disease remains the number one killer in our culture.  The link between heart disease and a diet heavy in animal products i.e. meat and dairy is indisputable despite all the claims to the contrary by those industries.  A whole-food, plant-heavy diet brings with it a long list of benefits, only one of which is the reduced likelihood of heart disease.  It also reduces the possibility of cancer, stroke, diabetes, and dementia which round out the rest of the top five killers in our culture.
  3. Mindset.  It’s amazing and disturbing to me how many of my generation are still of the mindset that senescence and frailty are automatic when we have so much evidence and knowledge to the contrary and many weapons against both.  Any personal move to add years to your life and life to your years has to start with a mindset that doesn’t accept this old thinking.
  4. Healthcare illiteracy. We’ve allowed our personal healthcare to become a $35 co-pay experience with a physician who is entrenched in a disease-care system focused on cure and not on prevention. As such we put our self-care in a reactive mode versus a proactive mode.  We think health only when something skids off the rails and then face a system that only knows drug it or cut it out.  One of the major keys to longevity is “self-efficacy” i.e. taking control of your own health destiny by understanding how your biology works, knowing where you stand against the key biomarkers of good health (see Key Step #2 in my free downloadable e-book Achieve_Your_FULL_Potential (2)), and taking charge of your own health through increased knowledge and proactive action.
  5. Conformity. Sir Walter Scott said he would trade whole years filled with mindless conformity for “one hour of life crowded to the full with glorious action, and filled with noble risks.”  When dying people in a hospice are asked about any regrets they had about their lives, by far the most common regret is “I wish I had pursued my dreams and aspirations, and not the life others expected of me.”  ‘Nough said.  Conformity involves comparison.  Comparison is one of the biggest killers of happiness.
  6. Suppressing courage. In the same hospice study, the second most common regret was “I wish I had the courage to express my feelings and speak my mind.” The author of the study, an Australian palliative care nurse by the name of Bronnie Ware learned that “many of her dying patients believed they suppressed their true feelings and didn’t speak their mind when they should have because they wanted to keep peace with others.”  Most of them chose not to confront difficult situations and people, even when it offended them. By suppressing their anger, they built up a lot of bitterness and resentment which ultimately affected their health.  See the complete article here.
  7. Toxic relationships. Jim Rohn, the renowned businessman and motivational speaker, famously said that “we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with.”  Relationships with toxic people steal away life-giving energy while being around positive, encouraging, supportive people who are continuing to grow can restore energy.  Choose your relationships wisely and dissolve those that are harmful.
  8. Stopping learning. Historian Peter Laslett emphasizes that only by living into our natural lifespan are we able to exploit our true potential. As we age, our brain cells can become intimately connected with new and emerging realities.  A lifelong strategy of learning is a potent force for good.  Smart people live longer.
  9. Isolation. According to the AARP Foundation, the health risk of prolonged isolation is equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Research has shown a 26 percent increased risk of death due to the subjective feelings of loneliness.
  10. Not working. Evidence has been in for a long time.  Work is necessary for longer, healthier living. Polls of centenarians have revealed that an astonishingly high percentage of them continue to work and that they rank working alongside being able to walk as one of the keys to their longevity.
  11. Narrowed comfort zones. As we age, we may tend to narrow our comfort zones.  For example “I’ve never done that” or “I don’t know anything about computers” or “I’m too old to start that”. These responses are indicators that the fossilization process is underway. The fact that you hear 50-year olds making these statements is proof that “old” can start at any age.  Source: The New Retirementality.
  12. Traditional retirement. Going over the cliff from labor-to-leisure, vocation-to-vacation retirement can erode sense of purpose and identity.  Without purpose, many of the life-shortening elements of retirement begin to creep in – boredom, increased isolation, declining social engagement, reduced physical activity, depression.  One in five of Americans over 65 suffer from some level of depression.  Men aged 75 and older have the highest annual suicide rate of any group.

In the final pages of his book “Roadmap to 100”, Dr. Bortz leaves us with this poignant thought: “Our ripples, the energy signature of our life, remain and endure.  Rippling exalts Mozart, Buddha, Aristotle, Christ, Einstein, Darwin, to name a few, whose lives’ energies persist and penetrate today in a larger way than they did while alive.  Similarly, even the most modest among us leaves ripples behind.”

“Once we confront our own mortality, we find it vastly easier to re-arrange our priorities, communicate more deeply with those we love, appreciate more keenly the beauty of life, and increase our willingness to take the risks necessary for personal fulfillment.  And imprint our ripples on the cosmos forever.”



On Climbing the Himalayas and Eating a Cobra’s Heart

Don’t you hate it when someone says or writes something that you wish you had said or written? The more I research to write, the more it happens to me.  And it happened again today.

I surfed into an article this morning by Jonathan Look entitled “The Magic of Leaving Your Comfort Zones in Retirement.”  Look is a retired U.S. traffic controller who sold it all at 50 to “travel the world.” He now resides overlooking the Atlantic in Lisbon, Portugal.

Mr. Look has an important perspective on fulfilling retirement.  For him, it includes scaling Himalayan mountains and eating a still-beating cobra’s heart.

OK, stick with me here for a second – I’m not off the rails.  Nor is he.

Look’s point with the article has to do with the importance of, in his words, “pushing the boundaries and seeking new horizons to achieve a fulfilling retirement.”  In addition to the Himalayas and eating a beating cobra’s heart, his activities have included things such as swimming with whale sharks, running the London marathon, rescuing street dogs from the meat trade in Thailand and living for a time on the Mekong River in Laos.

While his activities seem more self-aggrandizing than doing anything to advance humanitarian causes, the principle of moving out to the edge and away from the comfort zone in retirement is the key takeaway from his lifestyle choices.

As I portrayed in last week’s blog, the dark side of retirement in terms of disease, decline, and debilitation is very real, and disturbing.

Comfort zones are so enticing and so – well – comfortable.  We are drawn to comfort which means we are drawn away from challenge.  And nowhere are comfort zones more apparent than in retirement, certainly in the earliest stages.

No more alarm clock, no meetings, no commute, Lazyboy available 24/7, favorite series on Netflix mid-day, multiple daily naps.  After all, this is why we busted the hump for 40 years, to get to this point.  That’s what all the ads tell us it’s supposed to be.

But, as it’s said, “man makes the habits and the habits make the man.”  Comfort zones have a way of holding us hostage.

Here are three areas critical to a fulfilling retirement and optimized aging that comfort zones will hinder:

  1. Physical condition. The two greatest fears as we age are (1) running out of money and (2) experiencing extended frailty.  In retirement, our habits can easily make that second fear a reality far too early. We’re made to move, regardless of age.  According to a number of studies, the average retired male watches over 40 hours of TV per week.  The Lazyboy/TV partnership is the ultimate comfort zone. It’s so easy to skip the trip to the gym or to the treadmill in the basement when one is accountable only to his or her self.
  2. Mental acuity. Have I mentioned the brain-mapping study that showed that the watching TV generates the same level of electrical stimulation in the brain as contemplating a brick wall?  Unfortunately, the brain is very much like a muscle.  It needs exercise to stay vital.  Educational TV and crossword puzzles only go so far.  Life-extending mental stimulation calls for “pushing the boundaries.” Neurologists favor activities such as learning a new language or learning to play a musical instrument as examples of healthy brain-stretching activities.
  3. Social isolation. In my March 5 blog, I referred to the AARP Foundation study that claims that prolonged isolation is equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day.  The AARP article points out that retirement is on the list of “Risk Factors for Isolation” while pointing out that there is a 26% increased risk of death due to the subjective feelings of loneliness.  New retirees often overlook the fact that they are faced with replacing workmates with new playmates.  Failing to push the boundaries and be proactive in rebuilding a social network is a major contributor to early deterioration.

Mr. Look says further:

“Retirement is the perfect time to explore and take advantage of new opportunities. Comfort zones should be places where we go to relax, reflect and rejuvenate. They should not become permanent retirement destinations where we passively allow time to slip away.”

I’ve had the pleasure recently to work with two very talented ladies, Judy, 77, and Jean, 64, who are thumbing their noses at traditional retirement and pushing boundaries.  Judy, a retired attorney, is passionately driving a non-profit that is improving educational opportunities for over 150 young girls in a village in Senegal.  Jean, a semi-retired veterinarian, is a central figure in the drive to outlaw the declawing of cats and to improve the nutritional quality of pet food.

I am humbled by the drive, energy and smarts these ladies demonstrate as they push their personal and professional boundaries. They reinforce my belief that senescence is not automatic and that vitality need not wane in our later years.  Their only reference to retirement is to say that they retired to something of greater importance.

What are you doing to push the boundaries?  Do you have a story to share with us?  We’d love to hear from you.  Scroll down and share your story with us – or email me at

Pivot Your Retirement Before It Kills You!

A generation ago, IBM did a study of their pensioners and found that their average retiree didn’t make it past the 24th pension check.

John E. Lang, a petroleum engineer and 45-year employee of a single oil company, succumbed to a heart attack in his sleep 10 months after receiving his gold watch – and a few days after receiving a clean bill of health from his doctor.  He was my father-in-law – a great man and sorely missed.

Shell Oil studied thousands of its employee and found that retiring at 55 doubled the risk for death before reaching 65 compared to those who worked beyond age 65, challenging the notion that retiring early boosts longevity and, in fact, demonstrating the opposite – mortality rates improve with later retirement.

The National Institute of Health reports that 1 in 5 of the 35 million Americans 65 and older suffer from depression –  2 million suffer from full-blown depression and another 5 million suffer from less severe forms of the illness.

Men older than 65 take their own life at more than double the overall suicide rate and men age 75 and older have the highest annual suicide rate of any age group

OK, can I ask it?  Isn’t it time we redefine this retirement thing?

If you are in or approaching retirement, I suspect you weren’t aware of the dark side of this coveted late-life prize.  If you have been working with a financial planner, was this ever a part of your discussions with her/him?  Not likely – that’s all about the soft side of retirement and, with a few exceptions, financial planners only deal with the hard side of retirement – numbers.

The financial numbers are really important but not if they hasten you into a retirement for which you aren’t emotionally and psychologically prepared.  And that’s the rub.  Estimates are that 70% of retirees go into their retirement without a semblance of a non-financial retirement plan.

So where can it go wrong?

Ah, let me count the ways.  In fact, the husband and wife team of Jeri Sedlars and Rick Miners, veteran executive recruiters and authors of a really good book on this topic entitled “Don’t Retire, REWIRE!” did just that.  Following hundreds of conversations with retirees and uncovering this high level of discontent amongst retirees, they compiled a list of the “Top Ten Reasons People Flunk Retirement.”  Here’s what they heard the most.

  1. Retired for the wrong reasons.
  2. Didn’t realize the emotional side of retiring
  3. Didn’t know myself as well as I thought I did.
  4. Didn’t have a plan.
  5. Expected retirement to evolve on its own.
  6. I thought rest, leisure, and recreation would be enough.
  7. Didn’t stay connected with society.
  8. Expected my partner to be my social life.
  9. Didn’t know what I was leaving behind.
  10. Was overcome with boredom.

For better or worse, but not for lunch every day!

Take number 4 and number 8 on that list.  This combo illustrates one of the most dominant problem areas when it comes to retirement.  The fastest growing divorce rate in our culture is with couples over 50.  Couples often fail to plan and consider the impact on their relationship when retirement rolls around for one or both.

For example, the man comes home full-time and the spouse is burnt out on being home full-time.  She wants to go her own direction, perhaps even starting a late-life career doing something that has been suppressed for years running the household. The husband has an agenda for retirement, unarticulated until after retirement, and the spouse has different ideas. And gradual separation begins.

I recall a quote from a spouse with a recently retired husband:  “I have twice the husband and half the space, and he’s getting bigger.  If he rearranges my kitchen drawers one more time, I’m going to kill him!”

It is a little strange. 

Couples do quite a job of planning and working their way through other significant life transitions successfully.  But with retirement, which is a permanent resident on the top-10 list of life’s most stressful events, couples often ignore planning for it.

The aforementioned stats speak to the dangers of only planning retirement from a numbers perspective.  And it’s this evidence and my own personal observations of the dark side development amongst retired friends that have inspired me to become a Certified Retirement Coach to complement my coaching in the area of health and wellness and late-life career transitions.

Time to unwash the brain.

Most of us in the 50+ genre still operate with this linear life plan indoctrination – I call it the 20-40-20 plan that looks like this.

It has been the “social expectation” pounded into us by parents, professors, peers, and pundits:  get an education, get a job with a  good company, get a spouse, get a car, get a house and big mortgage, 2.5 kids, fenced yard and a golden retriever. Bust your hump for 40 years doing what you marginally enjoyed doing, stretching to reach that coveted final 20 so you can do what you really wanted to do back in the early stages of the first 20.  Only to find out that the 20 or so beyond the artificial finish line that our culture establishes isn’t as advertised.  In fact, for many, it ends up being a period of decline due to becoming sedentary, socially isolated and functioning without meaningful purpose.

This 20th-century traditional retirement model is a big part of what continues to keep us locked into the “living short and dying long” condition that taxes our health care system and has created a very profitable opportunity for the creators of the massive “warehouses for elders” that are proliferating nationally.

Oh, by the way, I understand there are few nursing homes in Okinawa where elders are venerated and “live long and die short” at home with family.

The solution, please.

Thankfully, the traditional retirement model is dying a slow death, thanks in large part to Boomers who aren’t willing to disappear silently into the night.  Research on 55,000 retired Boomers by the Age Wave organization found that only 30% had no intention of ever working again after retirement, while 70% engaged in some level of work, ranging from total volunteer to re-entering the workforce to starting their own businesses.

Successful “retirees” fit a pattern that Mitch Anthony calls the “Four Pillars of the New Retirementality” described in his book “The New Retirementality”:

—Vision – successful retirees retire to something; failed retirees retire from something.

—Balance – successful retirees find a balance between vocation and vacation; failed retirees move from bingeing on work to bingeing on leisure.

—Work is important – successful retirees keep themselves plugged into meaningful pursuits; failed retirees devolve into boredom and aimlessness.

—Successful aging is important – successful retirees focus on growing and well-being; failed retirees just take what comes.

Alas, for most going into retirement, this becomes an after-the-fact discovery where productive, healthful time is lost.  A Retirement Coach, or a financial planner that includes a holistic, non-financial retirement planning component in their service, can help prevent this dark side of retirement.  Dialog on these “soft side” elements should begin 3-5 years ahead of the anticipated retirement date.

Retired or anticipating retirement?  Let us help you get it on the right footing. Inquire about our “Retirement Wellness Plan.”  Email me at

What’s your retirement experience been?  If close to retirement, how much planning on the “soft side” have you devoted to it?  We’d love your feedback – scroll down and leave us a comment.